Riding Through Autumnal Bliss

October is one of my favorite months to ride a bicycle for a number of reasons. First the color of the changing, falling and rustling leaves is exhilarating to behold. Second, the air is often crisp and invigorating. Third, temperatures are wonderfully mild and conducive to longer rides.

Today I went for a late lunch ride for energy to perform my job and duties thereto this afternoon. On my ride, falling and rustling leaves caught my attention and made me forget about feeling tired.

The wind picked up a bit and crisp leaves began scraping the asphalt road as they whirled through the air and landed creating miniature whirlwinds. 

After an hour riding in autumnal bliss, I had ridden away tiredness by producing more energy, including adrenaline, endorphins and serotonin. Now I was positive once again and looking forward to the second half of my day.


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