I had a close call on a right hook today that I was able to avoid with my experience earned in social media and regular riding.

I was coming home from work riding on a path converted into a combination sidewalk and bike lane. As I approached the intersection, I immediately locked in on the driver in the far right lane closest to us.
The intersection is built to protect non-car users with a red turn light and sign. When the lights are red, cars may not turn right because other users, including pedestrians and cyclists are crossing the intersection in a crosswalk at that time with a green light in the image of a bicycle and a white light in the image of a person.

But I’ve been through this intersection enough to know that some cars ignore the signs and make a right turn at the first opportunity often times dangerously with pedestrians or cyclists in the crosswalk.
With this in mind, I slowed to the intersection and watched the car in the right lane. The driver had his right turn light on and was way out over the stopping line.
I now had a green light, but the driver was already making a right turn in the crosswalk. I looked at him and he looked back at me in a surprised manner even though I had right of way.
Because I have learned to be especially cautious and defensive at intersections, I was able to avoid another close call with a dangerous driver.
I hope this blog enlightens you to better protect yourself from dangerous drivers.