Choosing Spaces When Riding

Scenic riding makes cycling a truly wonderful sport, hobby, pastime or form of transportation. I always try to select the most scenic spaces to ride in or through. It increases the quality of the ride exponentially. 

For example, I live on a bike lane that goes only one way. When I come back, I don’t take this street for two main reasons. 

First, without a bike lane on the return side of the street, it is crowded and dangerous to ride with cars. 

Second, just one block over is a park with a path that leads to my apartment. The path is peaceful, smooth and scenic. So I ride one block over to the path and take the safer, better way. 

I just returned from a ride that I like to call the Arboretum Loop. I consider this a joy ride because I have no errands or destinations. I’m riding for exercise and to commune with nature.

In the Arboretum, I got in touch more deeply with spring and spring blooms. As you can see, the perfect white flowers of the cherry blossoms are scintillating to witness. 

Spring Blooms in the Arboretum

Once again, I chose to loop through the Arboretum bringing in some side streets and thoroughfares (with room for bicycles) on the way for a nice change of pace and to close the loop. 

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