As I was riding my bicycle on the Bay Triple Loop ride, I came across two instances of shattered glass bottles in the bike lane.
If you’ve ever had a shard of glass in your flat tire, you know better than to break bottles on the bike path. But more importantly, it’s littering and destructive to our environment.
I’ll send my regular message to streets to sweep up the glass of course.
The remainder of my ride was relaxing and interesting. First and foremost the leaves are beginning to change color and rain down in showers during high winds.
Second, I realized that I really cherish all the other riders that are out now but in a few weeks they will pack it in for winter. As a result, the winter ride for me is much lonelier.
Third, a group of high school students was walking along the park path in various small groups scattered across the entire path.
As I approached on my bicycle, I said politefully “on your left.” Some students looked back and moved to one side or the other while several others couldn’t hear because of ear phones but finally reacted to others moving.
It’s clear that many students are not learning basic trail etiquette in schools or elsewhere. If they had, they would know that there are multiple users and “to hold right and pass left.”