Today I decided to ride my Fuji commuter bike to my physician’s clinic. So glad I did. Like many of you know, we create so much positive energy in the saddle of our two-wheeled friends.
I had to commute halfway around Lake Monona but about halfway there I ran into a detour eventually that hadn’t appeared in my Google search.
I recalled that Lakeside Street might take me around the significant construction area. But it brought me back to the poorly signed detour and I was now on my way following the detour on the way to my destination. I left early so I was right on time at the clinic.
I have driven this route “off season” in bad weather one time. But once I motivate myself for the 9-mile 40-45 minute route one way, including an approximately two-mile finish to the clinic in a unprotected bike lane that today wasn’t in terrible condition, i.e., there were only a few areas with broken glass. I am writing streets to get it swept up.
On my way back I saw an elderly couple on bicycles looking around lost at the construction site. My positive energy of serotonin, dolomites and endorphins powered me to ride over and ask if they were lost.
They said they wanted to bicycle around the lake but couldn’t get past the construction. I showed them where the detour was. They were very appreciative.